July 07, 2003
Online Java resources

Steve mentioned Java Ranch to me at the weekend. He's in the throws of learning Java right now, and he says that he's found it a very helpful site. Bravo them!

While the Python community remains peerless, I have found a number of good Java online resources. I thought that I'd mention my list of irreplaceable sites...

The Java world is a fast moving one. If you want to keep up, these sites are worth a visit every now and again. Or daily, if you are as sad as I am. ;-)

  • Erik's weblog. Regularly updated, this is Erik's take on what's important in the world of Java.

  • java.blogs. This aggregator covers hundreds of Java weblogs. A bit hit and miss, 'cos many people havn't set up a Java specific feed, so there's really too much non-Java related stuff here. Nevertheless, worth a look every now and again - especially the Popular Entries section.

There are a few very good Java books available, and bloody hundreds of rubbish ones. A list of good Java books is really another post altogether, but a couple of book related online resources require a mention.

A few places publish regular short, specialised articles on various Java subjects. I look at these sites every now and again to see if there's anything I'd like to learn about. I also search them if I need to do something I've not done before, 'cos if there is an article on the subject, it can save a ton of time.

Sun themselves have a couple of interesting new sites. The jury is still out, but they are worth watching.

Lastly, there are a couple of sources of software that you should keep in your favorites list. There are loads of places to go, but frankly, 90% + of the OSS software that I use comes from one of these places.

  • IBM Eclipse. My IDE of choice.

  • The Jakarta Project. Tomcat, Ant, Velocity, the list goes on and on. Without Jakarta, the Java world would be a poorer place by far.

  • JUnit. Unit testing the XP way. You know it makes sense.

  • JTOpen. Steve will want this, even if most don't. It's IBM's iSeries library. Not cool, but it works.

And don't forget Usenet - comp.lang.java and subgroups are a rich lode.

Which other essential sites am I missing?

Posted to Java by Simon Brunning at July 07, 2003 12:07 PM
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