October 12, 2005

We've not automated our functional tests in the past - I know, I know - but we are really trying to pick up our game in our currenty project, so manual functional testing is another of our bad habits that we are consigning to the dustbin of history. With a bit of a steer from Sam, I looked at a number of functional test tools, but Selenium really stood out from the rest. It's just powerful enough, it's really simple, and it runs in your browser, so you can test browser compatability. Take a look at the demos to see how simple it all is.

In essence, your test script is just an HTML table, each line of which is either an action or an assertion. There's even a tool to record your actions to give you a hand building regression tests.

Now I just need to work out how to integrate it all with Cruise Control. Anyone done this?

Oh yes, and I need to find a way of testing our web services, too. Is there no end to the array of tools that you need to build a web application these days?

Posted to JavaScript by Simon Brunning at October 12, 2005 04:59 PM
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