January 05, 2005
Outputting dates in RFC822 and ISO8601 formats in Python

I'm not feeing terribly inspired at the moment, so it's time for a spot of meme-jumping. You've seen it in Java, you've seen it in Perl; now here it is in Python - Outputting dates in RFC822 and ISO8601 formats in Python.

Odd thing there - when you ask Python for the current (or default) locale, it gives it to you with an underscore, like so: 'en_GB'. But when you set the locale, you need to provide it with a dash - 'en-GB'. I'm sure that there's a good reson for this, even if I'm too stupid to work out what it is.

Posted to Python by Simon Brunning at January 05, 2005 12:29 PM
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