March 16, 2004
I, Robot

Last night's London Java Meetup was great fun. Robocode is a blast, and will definitely be making an appearance at the next event. I've already got a few ideas for strategy...

One of the high points of the evening for me was the code for Jez's robot, LNE - and specifically the fact that the member variable for his robot was called i. I Am Robot - geddit?

How nerdy am I? Sigh...

BTW, RoboWiki looks like a very interesting site to pick up some advanced Robocode ideas - but I'll put version 1.0 together on my own first.

Posted to Java by Simon Brunning at March 16, 2004 01:26 PM


private Robot i;

public StaggerLeeStrategy(Robot robot) {
i = robot;

Posted by: jez on March 16, 2004 02:49 PM

I had great fun a while ago playing with Robocode. Had to drag out the old trigonometry books and re-learn how to calculate angles and stuff. There are some really serious players out there, so no way can you beat them with a simple robot. I thought of hosting a competition within my circle of Java-coding friends.

Posted by: David Pinn on March 16, 2004 09:05 PM
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