May 22, 2002
Eclipse Freeze Build F1

Eclipse Freeze Build F1 is out. From now on, expect only bug fixing - no new functionality will be added.

This build shouldn't crap out when a project rebuild hits huge numbers of errors. This is generally a problem when one of your main classes has a compile error, and then many other classes in the project which refer to it also fail. We have over two thousand classes in our project, almost all of which extend a single abstract class. When that fails to compile, we generate huge numbers of errors - over forty thousand - and this tended to break Eclipse. Hopefully, this won't happen any more.

Other Eclipse news - an AspectJ plug-in seems to be in progress. For more about AspectJ, see the AspectJ web site, this developerWorks article, and these JavaWorld articles.

Update: I've installed it, and it works fine. The preferences have been cleaned up, but I havn't spotted any other changes yet.

Posted to Java by Simon Brunning at May 22, 2002 12:33 PM
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